With the popularity of stadiums being used for more than football games, plus the building of new state of the art stadiums popping up all over the country and globally, there is the necessity for crisis management training to keep everybody involved safe.
What Is Crisis Management for Stadiums?
Crisis management is the business continuity planning and preparation and overall management of unexpected events that could occur during business operations.
Since the sheer scale of stadiums is so vast and there is such a huge turn over of people attending stadiums day in day out, there must be business crisis management training in place for staff and for everybody’s safety.
Whether it is a terrorist threat, a natural disaster or anything in between, your staff should know how to handle it in response. Preparing your staff with the correct corporate crisis management training is going to provide them with the tools to be able to handle any issues big or small in a professional manner.
What We Do for Stadium Security
Stadiums are situated all over the UK and pull in tens of thousands of visitors and tourists every time they’re open, that being said, crisis management training courses are a staple to keeping these people safe.
In order for you to provide this level of security, here at SixC Group Crisis Management, we have extensive crisis management training in the UK.
Stadiums have high level stakeholders, they operate by the competency of the people working for it, thus, our training allows for a more than competent team that you can rely on to keep your business as safe as possible in the event of a crisis.
From pre-planning to disaster recovery these training courses cover all you need for a supportive structure in terms of security. Within our training, there are three key branches of our crisis management and compliance that we focus on, these are the following.
Stadium Crisis Management Training
Our business crisis management training consists of our RED5 Training Course.
This is a series of 5 training courses, all designed to provide your management and staff of every level with the knowledge, tools and experience they require to effectively respond to a crisis should it occur.
Within RED5, there are various courses that increase in terms of intensity and level of responsibility on every step up.
The result of this is a well structured and organised team of staff; these courses include:
- RED1 – Incident Responders
- RED3 – Building Manager
- RED2 – Incident Support Team
- RED4 – Incident Leader
- RED3 – Incident Commander
- RED5 – Incident Director
We’re more than confident that the RED5 training courses are like no other and prepare you and your staff for an event of emergency within a stadium. So, get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you implement high level corporate crisis management training.
Security Consultancy Services
Our security consultants offer a complete range of services for businesses of any size, including stadiums.
We can assist you in actually identifying security threats and prepare your staff on how to deal with this should it occur.
We assist clients in identifying and addressing real-time security threats and risks to their people and business, and prepare staff for such events.
By defining security requirements early on, we provide solutions that offer a safer environment for a stadium space.
Compliance Training
Finally, another branch of our crisis management training scenarios are encompassed within compliance courses that cater to all levels of staff with a blend of both theoretical and practical content.
Within London, we provide on-site delivery to businesses across the South East, South West, and the Midlands. Our course programme is flexible and can be customised to align with participants’ needs, to ensure you get everything possible out of the crisis management training courses we offer.
Upon completing our valuable training courses, participants will have the essential skills and knowledge required. We’re more than confident that you can keep the immense responsibility of stadium security under safe management with our help, simply get in touch to find out how.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Crisis Management Required by Law?
Crisis management actually holds a level of legal compliance, it is now a legal requirement to have the right precautions in place due to The Protect Duty Legislation, now known as Martyn’s Law ensuring better protection of public spaces.
Why Do I Need Corporate Crisis Management Training?
Stadiums must have staff working just like a well oiled machine to successfully operate, every member of staff is just as important as the next to keep business as usual.
That being said, there are clear reasons like keeping your complex secure, safe and reducing the risk of a crisis is the main goal but there are other reasons why too.
Some of these include, but aren’t limited to:
- Stakeholder protection: Having a secure plan in place to mitigate the risk of a crisis makes investment opportunities more attractive to potential stakeholders and provides trust and transparency for current ones.
- Legal compliance: With the right planning and training in place, you’re reassured that you’re aligning with the law and are not in the firing line of legal consequences.
- Employee safety: It is crucial that you keep your staff safe, in a large scale stadium there will be a high turnover of staff and ensuring each and everyone is safe should be at the top of your list.
Why Choose Us for Crisis Management & Compliance
At SixC Group Crisis Management, we are incredibly confident in providing the future of crisis management training for your stadium to ensure that the workforce is equipped with everything they need in the face of a disaster.
With our training, encompassing various disaster scenarios, you can rest assured you’ve done the right thing in protecting your staff and customers.
For more details on what we offer at SixC Group Crisis Management for your stadium security, get in touch.
- Stadium Security Services
- Crisis Management Training
- Security Consultancy
- Compliance