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Active Shooter Training

Active Shooter Training

In today’s fragile climate, it’s essential to be prepared for any kind of crisis or major incident, unfortunately, that can include active shooter incidents.

With reports of active shooter incidents becoming more common in the news around the world, making sure you, your team, and your site are ready to deal with a situation like this is absolutely vital with our comprehensive active shooter preparedness training.

Active Shooter Training

At SixC Group Crisis Management, we can make sure you’re more than ready when the worst happens with our Active Shooter Training course. We’ll give you the knowledge, skills, and mindset you need to prepare, respond to, and deal with all stages of an active shooter threat.


What to Expect from the Active Shooter Training Course

Our Active Shooter Incident and Preparedness training course combines interactive reconstructions, scenarios, and drills, with our own experience, knowledge, and industry credibility. We use the very latest technology to ensure you and your people become proficient in the skills required to deal with such an incident.

This course will help delegates at all three stages of a response; preparing for, responding to, and dealing with the outcome of an active shooter incident.


The Stages of Active Shooter Training for Workplace Operations

#1 Preparing for an Active Shooter Incident

The first stage in our training course is to ensure that you and your team are fully prepared for an active shooter incident.

This involves putting cutting-edge measures, procedures, and processes in place. Specific roles and responsibilities of each member of your response team will be clearly defined to make sure that everyone understands the correct individual and team movements and operational formations.

#2 Responding to an Active Shooter Incident

The next stage is to make sure you and your team know what actions to take when confronted by an active shooter.

During training, we will cover each team member’s individual responsibilities and delegates will learn how to be able to assist the emergency services in a way which facilitates the best possible outcome.

We will also cover the importance of why a tightly-defined system of command is essential in delivering a coordinated and effective incident response.

#3 Dealing with the Outcome of an Active Shooter Incident

The consequences of an active shooter incident can be catastrophic so it’s extremely important to understand how to deal with the outcome effectively.

From supporting victims to liaising with the media, we can give you and your team the knowledge you need to continue managing the incident in a way that protects people and your brand in the best possible way once it has come to an end.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is Active Shooter Training Important for Businesses?

Active shooter training is important for any business, in any industry, while of course some are at a higher risk than others, you never know when disaster could strike. Ultimately, your staff need to be prepared for even the most extreme instances.

Unfortunately, heightened security is simply a necessity, so preparing your staff should be a top priority no matter your business operations or size.

How Do I Choose an Active Shooter Training for Employees Provider?

Active shooter awareness training is complex, so it is important that you choose a training programme that covers all angles from start to finish.

For instance, while you want your staff to know how to respond with comprehensive active shooter response training, they should also be prepared for handling the public, the other members of staff and have a structure in place for this disastrous instance.

A reputable trainer will be able to confidently guide you through workplace active shooter training, covering all aspects and the relative branches of crisis management holistically too.

Course Details

  • Duration: One full day
  • Location: At your site
  • What’s included? Receive a certificate on completion, take away and keep training materials with your branding, and get tools to deal with any major incident.
Why SixC Group Crisis Management & Compliance

Expert Training Services For Business

We travel
to you

Our Crisis Management team will travel directly to your business. It’s part of our dedication to helping businesses protect their people and assets.

In-house employed trainers

We employ our trainers in-house to ensure only the very best are protecting you. Each team member is competency assessed to the highest of standards around the globe.


Whether it’s training, consultancy or compliance our solutions are end-to-end, providing you a smooth delivery with no third parties involved.

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SixC Group Crisis Management Training Courses

Related RED5 Crisis Management Training Courses

RED1 – Incident Responders

RED1 is aimed at the majority of your staff, who could ultimately be some of the first to respond to an incident but who may have little subsequent responsibility. The course covers first response incident management for business as usual and terror-related threats. This course teaches shop floor staff how to respond safely, accurately and quickly to a range of scenarios. We will teach you techniques which are proven and can save lives.

RED2 – Incident Support Team

RED2 is designed for staff who will form support roles to the individual commanding an incident to ensure that information is tracked successfully and that decisions are recorded to a standard that will withstand scrutiny post event. Working with SixC Group tracking and recording systems, staff will develop the skills and understanding they need to ensure corporate reputation is secured and become invaluable aides to any Incident Commander.

RED3 – Building Manager

The RED3 Building Manager programme has been designed for managers who oversee single or multiple buildings. This course looks at the fundamentals of preparedness through effective planning and develops the skills to manage and recover from incidents on site or from a remote perspective.

RED3 – Incident Commander

The RED3 Incident Commander programme is aimed at your Incident Commander(s).

They’re reponsible for motivating the rest of your team during an incident, making sure everyone is putting their skills to use effectively, and for managing resources at a local level.

RED4 – Incident Leader

RED4 is aimed at your Incident Leader. It’s the Leader’s responsibility to ensure your Incident Commander is experienced, can handle the pressure effectively and has the knowledge and the skills to put your plans into action.

Your Leader will give direction to the Incident Commander as and when required, and will liaise continuously between your Commander and your Incident Director.

RED5 – Incident Director

RED5 is aimed at your Incident Director, who will ultimately be responsible for taking a top level, strategic view of the incident.

Occasionally, your Incident Director will play a hands on role, but generally will only become involved in the fine-grained details if there are serious and wide ranging political, financial or reputation-based consequences.

Crisis Management Media Training

One of the most important aspects of dealing with a major incident or crisis is how you and your team handle the media. It’s often the case that the media ends up managing the crisis team, when it should be the other way round.